On Cory's birthday last week (Tuesday, June 10th) Landrie came down with a fever out of nowhere, with no other symptoms. When I picked her up from my parents house she felt warm so I took her temp as soon as we got home and it was 103.3 so I immediately gave her some Motrin. It seemed to work for a while; brought it down to about 101.8 but then around 8:30 it started to spike again back up to the 103's so we gave her some Tylenol that helped her be able to fall asleep. We set our alarm to wake us up every 3 hours so we could alternate the medicines. At midnight when we woke up and took her temp it was 104.7, scared me to death so we turned down the air and gave her more meds and it seemed to help. At 3:00 her temp was back down to the higher 101's which is still a fever but it's MUCH better than 104.7!!! But by morning she was fine, still had a slight temp around 100 but nothing much. She acted like nothing was ever wrong so that is why I have been calling it the "phantom fever" just glad that no other symptoms came along with it.
I tried to get some sickly pics of her but she just wasn't having it, can't say I blame her. ;)
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