
Memorial Day Weekend...

On Saturday I had a photo shoot for some friends of ours, The Brown's. Cory had gone to school with Bubba and he also married us at our wedding a little over 6.5 years ago. We hadn't really seen them much since then maybe once or twice so it was nice to see them and catch up. After that we played in Landrie's pool with her and made snow cones then we went down and had dinner with our neighbors at their house and let the kids play and hang out. Sunday Cory went fishing with Aaron and Landrie and I went to Wal-Mart on our way home she fell asleep in the car. When she woke up we played with her again in her little pool and then went down to the neighbors again to have dinner and hang out. We also went by Uncle Zeke's Sunday night for a little while. On Memorial Day we got to sleep in a little bit, 9:30! That's great for L, it's always so nice when that happens. We didn't do much during the day on Monday but that evening we went to Torrie and Bo's house for a small get together and had burgers. It was a lot of fun, but we went home too late and we all paid for it Tuesday when the alarm went off and it was back to work. lol

* Cute things she has said recently...

She was reading her Sleeping Beauty book to me and instead of saying Prince Phillip she called him Prince Pull Up.

I had on Khaki's the other day and she told me I wasn't supposed to wear Daddy's pants.

We were playing in her pool with her and there was a ladybug on her slide and she wanted to slide but wouldn't with the ladybug on there. She kept talking to it and asking it nicely to move and after about 10 minutes of this I was tired of hearing her whine and cry when the "ladybug wouldn't listen" to her so I kind of brushed it off her slide and it flew off onto the ground and she said in a VERY stern voice "MOMMY! You need to tell the ladybug you are sorry!" LOL So there I was a 26 year old grown woman telling a ladybug I was sorry. haha

I actually only got these few pictures of L this whole weekend, can you believe it, I didn't torture my poor child with the camera. lol She is actually liking it more than not these days.


Off with Mommy...

My parents went out of town to Shreveport Monday and Tuesday so I had a 4 day weekend with Miss L. I LOVE when I get to have those with her. Saturday we didn't do too much just stayed home and cleaned and hung out and took pics of her in her Taylor Swift boots (post before this one). Then Sunday we went over to Aunt Torrie and Uncle Bo's house for some burgers. Cory was gone fishing yet again, surprise surprise. lol So it was just Landrie and I, we went over there about 1 and didn't go home until about 9. LOL So we pretty much spent all day together, but we had a blast. We did some shopping at N.Y. Co and went and let my parents dogs out and just hung out. Cory did come over there after he got home from fishing but that wasn't until about 7. But we all have such a great time hanging out together and Landrie LOVES it because she is definitely the center of attention.

Monday we went up to Aunt Torrie's school and had lunch with her in her classroom. Landrie was all into that. She has been talking about school a lot lately but I know she has no clue what it really is. She just hears Tate talk about it and hears things on t.v. about it as well. We really didn't do too much on Monday. Cory's fuel pump went out on his truck so he got to come home early on Monday as well. All I can say is THANK GOODNESS we added tow service to our insurance plan. We only had to pay $8 to have his truck towed from his work to our house. Great deal considering it would have been about $150 without it!

Tuesday, oh man was this a day, lol. Cory had aired up Landrie's pool from last year. We took great care of it, she actually didn't use it much but somehow it wound up with a leak in it. Yes, I could have gone and used one of the 2 community pools we have but I know Landrie and she is in and out the whole time and plus I just wanted to stay around the house and do a picnic in her clubhouse and all that fun stuff. So off to Wal-Mart we went to buy her a new pool and pick up my dad's air compressor since ours is a pain to use sometimes. Well we get back home and it's like 90 outside with 100% humidity (I am probably exaggerating, but it felt like 100%) trying to get this attachment to hook onto my dad's air pump well come to find out the hose I needed was in the truck of his car. So Cory had to walk me through using ours which was easier than I thought it would be but I did throw the breaker when I plugged it in. lol But that's ok, he told me that would probably happen. But I did get it aired up but then I had to carry that HUGE thing over my head to keep it from dragging all while making sure I didn't trip over an almost 3 year old who was OVERLY excited about swimming. lol So I got it back there and the hose in there filling up, so I think ok, we are good. So Landrie and I go in the house to put our bathing suits on well I get her all ready to go only to not be able to find the bottoms to mine!!! Oh I was ticked. lol So off to Wal-Mart AGAIN to find me a bathing suit. Took me forever because everything was all mixed up. Poor L she was such a trooper and didn't really get upset at all. I did give her some tic-tacs as well so she was happy about that. lol So FINALLY about 1 we got to get in her pool. This whole process began around 9-10 or so. lol The water was SO cold though. Landrie didn't seem to mind at all but she was running around and jumping in like kids do so they get use to it in no time. We had grilled cheese, grapes and cheese puffs up in her clubhouse for lunch. Then it was naptime and of course she had to say she wasn't tired and didn't need a nap and was out within 10 minutes. lol After she got up she immediately wanted to go swimming again, I soon learned 2 bathings suits was definitely not going to be enough for her all summer, this year she is loving the water. lol We had such a great day!

First batch of swimming pics with the point and shoot

Trying to put her float on Katie

2nd batch of swimming pics (after nap) with big camera
She got in and got right back out, said it was cold. lol

Cute little foot
Hmmm.... (you can see those wheels turning)

And she is off

Having a great time

Her famous fish face, she always says, "lets play a game" and when you say ok what game and she says "the fishy game" and she makes this face. LOL


Taylor Swift Boots...

Cory went fishing with Shawn and another friend of theirs so it was another Saturday of just Landrie and I hanging out. We did some cleaning, laundry and then most important of all... play time. While I was cleaning up her room she noticed these boots that my friend Becky had given to her, they use to be Caden's. She immediately called them her "Taylor Swift boots" and pranced around the house posing with them. It was so funny and cute I had to stop cleaning and catch some pictures of her.

* Something funny she said recently... we were leaving my parents house the other day and we passed by some cows and I said "Look at the cows Landrie!" She nodded and said "Yes Mommy, I see them, they are eating chicken and french fries." lol Guess she has seen too many

Chick-fil-A commercials.

Posing with her boots

Fixing to do the splits

Doing her high kick in her boots

She fell and was crying so that is why her eyes are all red, poor thing, but she wanted me to take a picture of her with her wand on her stool.
In mid fall again, so graceful, lol

I kept telling her she was too close but she wouldn't listen and wanted me to take her picture. I am LOVING the catch lights in these though!

So serious!

UH OH! Something was falling off the table

Mid sneeze, lol

Posing with her baby

Pretty smile

True cowgirl! She ran and got her stick horse and asked me to take her picture with it. ;)


Bye Bye Butterflies...

My brother has been getting Landrie all these nature kits and she is loving them. This was the butterfly house or something like that. You buy the house at the store and then send the insert off for the caterpillars and they go through their cycle. I didn't take any pictures of that because they came in a small plastic cup and until they were in their cacoon they had to stay in it and it was hard to get a picture of so I just waited until they were butterflies. The whole process took about 2 weeks from caterpillars to butterflies. So on Mother's Day when we got back from the park and everything we decided to let them go since we read they only live 2 weeks anyway. But it says they can travel up to 1000 miles in that 2 week period! Pretty cool. Landrie loved them, they were really neat to watch. So these pictures are of us letting them go...

It took them a while to get brave and fly out of the house
Landrie trying to reach in and help them
Just hanging out

In awe of the butterflies

Trying to help Daddy

Last one to leave, so pretty...


Mommy's Happy Day...

That's what Landrie kept calling it. =) We had a Mother's Day weekend. We tried to arrange for both sets of parents to come over and have a cookout on Saturday but Cory's parents weren't able to come so they stopped by for a little while on Friday evening. They brought Landrie a HUGE bag full of clothes that she LOVED. Thank you again for those Nana & Paw Paw, they are too cute! =) They played outside with Landrie on her swingset which is a must if you come over to our house. ;) My friend Torrie learned that first hand Thursday night when we had her and her husband over for dinner. Landrie was making Torrie climb up there and go down the slide in a skirt, lol. Landrie is a mess but such a sweet little girl if I do say so myself. =)

For Mother's Day we got both moms aprons with a picture of Landrie printed on them, some new updated pics of L and I made the vintage picture of L's pink converse from a previous post into a card for them on Winkflash. It turned out SO cute.

Loving on her Nana

Nana and I tried forever to get Landrie to sit still and let me take a pic of her in this pink dress my mom got her and finally when she let me she gave me her famous fake smile. lol Oh well, kids will be kids...

"Ficing" her slide

Playing diner with Nana

And now Paw Paw too, they LOVE to get down and play with her and Landrie just eats it up

On Saturday my parents came over and we cooked out. Of course we had to spend a lot of our time in the backyard because Landrie's favorite place is outside. lol She is wearing one of the new dresses that Nana & Paw Paw brought over to her the night before. It looked so cute on her.

Walking along the new stones Daddy just put down in the backyard

Thought this one was so cute, she was just sitting up there singing

Meme & Landrie
Meme opening her Mother's Day gift

Landrie washing her hands

It was HOT

My sweet baby girl
My parents

Meme & Landrie playing dress up

Posing for Mommy

Poppie & Landrie

Meme, Poppie & Landrie

Meme, Mommy & Landrie

On Mother's Day itself we didn't do a whole lot. We went to JC Penney's and to Target. I didn't really ask for anything so I looked around and got a few things but not much. We planned to go get lunch and have a picnic at a neat park in Rockwall but on our way there Landrie fell asleep in the car. So Cory and I ate our food then we just drove around some and finally woke her up after an hour and a half. We let her play on the playground and then we went to the other side of the park that has a pond and a water area. It was only 78 outside so we really didn't let her play in the water much but we all had a lot of fun.
Eating her chicken nuggets and watching the people fish

Nothing like pink converse and chicken nuggets. ;)

Mommy's pretty girl

Landrie and I playing in the water

She LOVED it